building your career

Our resume prep-guide is an easy tool to use, there are several sample resumes for review as well as step by step instructions.  You can download a copy of it here:

For a basic  resume that you can use as a template you can download this file:

Resume Prep

Your resume is the first thing an employer sees and  it creates their first impression of you as a potential employee.  We have created a resume prep guide to assist you in fine tuning your resume to ensure it creates the best impression possible. We also have sample resumes so that you can see the basic format that we use. You can download the files here. 

If you believe your resume is already great the way it is, please follow these basic guidelines:

  • No information in the Header or Footer of the document
  • No page boxes
  • Try to use standard formatting  (no table-based formats)
  • Unless you have more than 2 years of experience try to keep it to two pages
  • 1 inch margins top and bottom, 3/4 inch left and right


It is helpful for us to have resumes in a standardize layout, we often need to do minor formatting and editing prior to submitting to a client.  Additionally, the majority of companies use computer-based tracking systems and having a resume that is easily read helps to get you to the next step. 

Most importantly, when we are under time constraints to submit candidates, we may not have the time to completely reformat a resume and that candidate will not be submitted.


Remember to check out Hire Green Forums for more tricks and tips


Our Forums Page has up to date tips on resumes and current job market data that will enhance your search and preparation.  Don't hesitate to post a question of your own or start a conversation about the things you are curious about or interested in.  Hire Green is establishing this site as a source of information and research tools to prepare for the job market.  Let us know of anything new that you find out there or if there is anything you would like to see but we may have overlooked.